Another round of SL team members have completed the Vance Caesar Program. Snyder Langston began partnering with Vance Caesar years ago in order to provide employees with a course that incorporated both personal and professional development. Congrats to our recent course graduates:
1. Zenith DeRosier
2. Chelsea Santos
3. Jerelee Latcha
4. Lauren Willingham
5. Kay De Guzman
6. Kelly Wilken
7. Angeles Padilla
8. Fred Wallitsch
9. Lee Watkins
Here is what a few class participants had to say about the course:
“I have taken so many courses over the years, but none have been so powerful and beneficial as this course. It has been a privilege to be a part of this journey with all of you and I have learned so much.” – Lee Watkins
“The Vance Caesar course motivated me to be more proactive in my future by creating a vision with the end in mind and making a plan on how to get there.” – Lauren Willingham
“The Vance Caesar Leadership Course offered more than just tools on how to become a better leader, but it helped me to become a happier person. The class taught me techniques on controlling stress, how to lead a healthier family life, and overall improved my outlook on the quality of life.” – Chelsea Santos